Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Giving and a few selfish wishes

Time has not yet run out for me to make some Christmas gifts but the sand sure is running fast through that hourglass. I really want to make some gifts for my nieces and nephews but TIME, ugh. Where does it go?

Surely though I will be able to achieve some Lazy Days skirts.

And for my teenage nieces a make-up purse each.

We don't do a lot of presents for adults in our families which I think is good. It's much nicer to see the excitement on the children's faces as they unwrap their gifts. And as adults, I think we need to be setting an example of giving rather than receiving. I think Christmastime is a great time to get involved in charities like Samaritan's purse - Miss Six and I had a great time choosing gifts for a shoebox. Miss Six chose the age bracket of 10-14 yrs, I think because it meant she could choose gifts I usually say are not 'appropriate' for her. But I also found out that this age group is the one that has the least boxes given so it felt good to be meeting a need.

For my siblings, we are giving something to eat and/or drink - because we all drink and eat so there's no danger of giving a gift that won't be used! And we are also giving a charity gift from either Samaritan's purse, Compassion or TEAR. We're going to do a lucky dip to see what our gift is and where from.

But in amongst all my charitable sentiments I have some secret hopes for some little gifts for myself. And not surprisingly, they are sewing related. I'm hoping one of the following books will make their way to me:

Colette Sewing Handbook

The Burdastyle Sewing Handbook

Oliver + S Little Things to Sew

And maybe, just maybe, a gift voucher for Tessuti...

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